Hi, I'm Scott. I'm currently a quantitative developer at Quantlab, a high-frequency trading firm. I used to be an assistant research scientist in the Computer Science & Engineering Department at Texas A&M University, where I worked with Dr. Tim Davis on graph analytics problems. I have a background in chemical engineering, and I worked as an Optimization Engineer at Shell for two years. I’m also a licensed Professional Engineer.

My professional interests include high-performance computing, software engineering, and scientific software development and concepts, especially when applied to large-scale data science and decision-making. In my free time, I enjoy building custom keyboards and LEGO.

Q. How do you pronounce your last name?

A. koh-LOH-jay. It's Polish for Wheelwright. In proper Polish, it's spelled Kołodziej, and pronounced koh-WOH-jay. If you pronounce the dz like a j, it's not as big of a stretch as it first looks.